It’s time for my first tournament report of the edition, and it’s a big one: a 78-player event at Cancon. This was the second biggest MESBG tournament Australia’s ever had, so it’s an absolutely awesome way to start off the new edition. And with doubles on the Monday public holiday as well, I was looking forward to an excellent weekend of rolling dice and smashing up battlelines with my birds. And of course, to prove that the birds are still cooked at 850 points.
Tournament Format
The Saturday and Sunday were earmarked for the competitive singles tournament: a whopping 850-point event, with 2:45 per game and 5 rounds. All bar one scenario would be played (rolled randomly on the day), and an array of pre-event rulings were publicised. These ranged from the standard (one spear support per combat) to the controversial (Monstrous Charge not stacking with cavalry bonuses) to the coin flips (Legolas can shoot in combat while mounted, at -1 to hit if he moved). As a competitive tournament before the first real FAQs of the edition, it was a great call to publicise these beforehand, as it meant everyone was on the same page going in.
points is a lot, and it’s actually somewhat hard to find lists that work
this high (at least with the models I own). It encourages heavy hitters and
ways to deal with heavy hitters, and the constrained listbuilding of the new
edition meant many lists would struggle to really function.
first thought was Minas Morgul, hoping to leverage their powerful magic and
efficient horde to overwhelm players that had leaned into the big heroes and
monsters. But at 850 points the horde starts to encounter diminishing returns
and I wasn’t too sold on the alternative options (Trolls, second Fell Beasts)
for spending those points.
Last Alliance has powerful rules and strong heroes, but here the issue was
scenarios. How does a list with no cavalry (except 0-2 mounted heroes) compete
with a lot of lists in Supplies or Reconnoitre? Massed shooting is an answer,
but a single enemy cavalry model that gets off the board is now worth 12VPs in
Recon, and I wanted a list with more flexibility in responding to those
of Moria could partially solve that problem with the Watcher, but here the
problem was the Balrog. In any 5-round event, I felt like I was guaranteed to
have one game of ‘the Balrog can’t roll a 6’, and I didn’t like that risk.
lists like Thranduil’s Halls, Men of the West and Muster of Isengard were
contemplated, but in each case I struggled to find the tools I needed to feel
confident. And looming over every list was the question of what it does into
massed shooting. The current scenario pools heavily favoured archery, and many
of these lists seemed like they’d fold into a dedicated gunline (a matchup that
has bit me in two of my last three big tournaments, which you can read about here
and here).
I was at a bit of a loss, until trying out the Eagles in a fun practice game at 800. To my surprise, the list kind of just… worked, and it was a blast to play. I’d previously written them off as definitely better suited to lower points, but it felt like there was maybe something there. I decided I needed to test it out and see, a need that rapidly got obsessive and left me with a whopping 36 practice games completed. All of which culminated in the following list getting locked in:
nothing fancy or unexpected, and as it turned out there were two other
identical lists at the event (we formed a little Eagles-only clique and made a lot
of bird noises, naturally). But man, the tricks this build can pull are
intense. Refused flanks, blocking out of heroes, strategic Hurling, banner
sniping, and above all Barge shenanigans are incredibly powerful. Coupled with
a surprising amount of durability and damage output, and the game-warping power
of Piercing Cry, I felt like it gave me the best chance of never being entirely
locked out of any matchup. The list is definitely stronger at lower points (I
played one game at 450 with it and it was a total whitewash), but even at high
points the flexibility was incredible.
won’t dive too deeply into how the list works (or the listbuilding decisions
involved) in this article, but fear not: there will be a two-part series on the
Eagles coming out in the next couple of weeks, touching first on how to run
them then cycling to how to beat them. So if you want to read some 6000 words
of analysis on the Eagles, you’ll have your opportunity!
now though, let’s talk about what everyone else was bringing to the
first big event of the edition:
Meta analysis
I won’t spend
too many words on this, because I’ve already gone on the excellent Mountain
Goat Gaming channel to speak about the lists in attendance. Go check that out
for some analysis (and if you want to never be able to ‘hear’ my written voice
as anything but how I actually speak).
The key
points: lots of monsters, lots of big heroes, very few spellcasters,
somewhat-low model counts, and quite a spread of different lists. Interesting!
No shortage of scary lists, or monsters!
Of the
lists in attendance, I was somewhat worried by the many Depths of Moria and
Battle of Fornost lists, which had some scary tools for dealing with my poor
birds. Scarier still were the 4 Smaugs in attendance, which would make for an
effectively-unwinnable matchup in any scenario except Supplies (which is nearly
unwinnable for Smaug instead). And scariest of all was the lone Garrison of
Dale list, which had the triple-Windlances of my nightmares. That list would
melt me instantly in any scenario except Hold Ground, and still felt quite
favoured there with its horde of high Courage infantry with +1 to wound.
naturally, my Round 1 opponent was…
Game 1: Garrison of Dale in Hold Ground, 17:5
The game started with Connor deploying his three Windlances on the field, and
confidently informing me that Girion’s entire warband got to deploy with them.
This was a huge advantage, as they would be able to charge on the first turn of
the game and potentially start bringing down Eagles.
being a Dale player, I assumed that this must be spelled out somewhere, but
doing some digging after the game has complicated this somewhat. In Maelstrom
scenarios, it turns out that only Siege Engine models are deployed on
the board before the game begins (and there is no general rule that models
deploy with their warband leader, that’s only a scenario-specific rule in other
scenarios). It is a somewhat complicated question–the RAW answer would be that
Girion’s warband could never enter the board, which clearly isn’t how it should
be played– but it was still a bit frustrating to have my opponent award
themselves an extremely powerful benefit without even acknowledging it as ambiguous.
In any case, I didn’t want to get the TO involved for what was literally deployment of Round 1, so it was time to roll with the punches. Connor won Priority and handed it to me, and I embarked on Operation Windlance dodging. I burned 2 of Gwaihir’s 3 Might to come on right next to the three Windlances (which Connor had deployed much closer together than I’d expected), and used a combination of their 6” minimum ranges and the limited exceptions to the Large Target special rule to prevent even a single Windlance from firing. It took some crazy positioning, but I was really proud of how well I was able to neutralise his most powerful asset. I was also able to destroy one in the first turn thanks to some deployment errors from my opponent, which was a great win.
had forced me into spreading my Eagles into an extremely vulnerable position,
however, and the Dale charges on the first turn managed to kill one bird
already. I was lucky enough to win the Move-off on the following turn to
slightly remedy the situation, but the +1 to-wound bubbles from the Windlances
meant that I was haemorrhaging wounds fast.
Piercing Cry somewhat bailed me out on Turn 3, and the game deteriorated into a
messy melee around the Windlances. Girion managed to survive 4 assassination
attempts from Eagles or Gwaihir, even reducing Gwaihir to 1 wound in a single
fight. Gwaihir then died on the following turn to 3 random smucks, before
Girion at last got taken out by a bird. I’d also managed to destroy the last
two Windlances on the Piercing Cry turn, so I was feeling slightly more okay
about the situation.
the next few turns, I managed to survive the grind and whittle down the Dale,
while assassinating Captains and Siege Veterans to run them out of Might. At
last, I was able to win a Priority after Dale had Broken, getting a bunch of
Eagles onto the centre and tying up the Dale heroes. It was all cleanup from
there, with my six remaining Eagles easily holding the centre thanks to
Dominant (3).
wasn’t quite the start I wanted to the edition, with a few little things
cropping up that forced me to pay closer attention than normal. Captains having
one more Might than they should, dice that rolled a 6 to wound suddenly being
from a Captain rather than a warrior despite that not aligning with the numbers
of dice rolled, Terror checks failed by 1 suddenly having been from the Siege
Veteran with 1 Will remaining instead of a basic warrior, that sort of thing. I
expect most of it was probably start-of-edition sloppiness, but it did colour
my experience of the game somewhat.
any case, I was happy to have eked out the win against my hardest list to run
into, especially because it meant I’d be facing no more Windlances from here on
Game 2: Legions of Mordor in To the Death, 17:2
that nightmare matchup, the pendulum of fate had swung entirely around and now I
was the nightmare matchup. Poor Jacob’s War Leader/Witch King combo was about
to get absolutely victimised by some Eagles, all because someone at GW forgot
to include special rules in the ‘War Beasts and Magic’ section of the rules.
there wasn’t too much to this game. We both moved carefully in the first turn
or so, with my Eagles staying deliberately behind trees that were at least 2”
tall (and thus couldn’t be Trampled over). Jacob did pull a sneaky move by
Compelling one Eagle out and slamming into it with the Mumak, but impact hits
aren’t actually likely to kill an Eagle in one go, so I just countercharged
with two more Eagles and started chipping down the big beasty. Moreover, I’d
been able to land Gwaihir directly in between the Witch King and War Leader,
and a Piercing Cry on the next turn saw the Witch King get flash-killed while
the Mumak was brought down to only a couple of wounds remaining.
War Leader did get off one more Trample, but because models back away after
beating a War Beast I’d been able to make sure that he could only hit one of my
unwounded Eagles. The big beasty did a single wound to another bird, before
getting swarmed and wrecked. Almost everyone on top died, and I hunted down the
Orc banner before quartering Jacob.
felt quite bad for how horrendous the matchup was for him, and for knocking
down another Canberran. On the plus side though, we had heaps of time to go
look at the excellent second-hand stores! I picked up 24 Mordor Orcs for $12,
and managed to resist the lure of too many impulse purchases.
With that, it was time for the last game of Day 1, against…
Game 3: Ride Out in Domination, 13:2
up to my table in Game 3, I was relieved to find myself facing Matthew’s Ride
Out. It’s definitely a list with teeth, and it’s beaten my Eagles once already
this edition, but it’s also a matchup that I know I have a lot of play into.
first couple of turns were quite cagey, as Matthew took potshots at my Eagles
and I tried to manoeuvre for a devastating first charge. Unfortunately for Ride
Out, their army rule is a massive disadvantage in this sort of situation: I
could drop Eagles to just within charge range of a few cavalry but outside
range of his heroes, and force the Rohirrim to commit. There are ways to play
around this with Aragorn’s free Marches and other tricks, but in this instance
Matthew dived in to my right flank to start putting it under pressure.
Unfortunately, Aragorn ended up standing a little too close to a Rider that had been forced to charge, so Isildur’s Heir promptly got dismounted by a Hurled Rohirrim (Brego rolled a 1, sadly).
Nonetheless, winning Priority on the next turn allowed
Legolas and Théoden to get into a bird on that flank, while Gwaihir and several
other Eagles were tied down by warriors in the centre.
Alas, here was where going pure Eagles over Radagast’s Alliance really shined. First, I still had several extra Eagles to counterattack with, including peeling Legolas off to prevent a Strike/Combat combo and hitting back hard in the centre. Gwaihir also burned a Might to get off a Combat, killing two Royal Guard and landing himself neatly within 6” of all of Matthew’s heroes. Legolas fought off his Eagle and the one trapped by Théoden and a pile of Riders died, but every single Rohan cavalryman in the centre was wiped out the devastating Hurls of the Eagles.
Next turn, of course, I used Piercing Cry to shut down all of the Rohirrim heroes, charging mostly into warriors in order to bait out Strikes or Defences from all of them. In the end I did make the call to Barge into a Striking Théoden with Gwaihir, and burned my last Might to assassinate the King of Rohan after he only Struck to F7. Gamling, Legolas and Aragorn all survived the turn, but I’d inflicted devastating damage on the Rohirrim.
here, the game turned into two quite separate battles. On the left, three
Eagles slowly cleaned up most of the Rohirrim warriors, and despite losing an
embarrassing number of fights they eventually managed to end the game holding
all three objectives on this flank.
the right, my decision to burn my last Might killing Théoden meant that Matthew
could move first every turn, which allowed him to keep the pressure on and
prevent me wiping out his plucky band of (mostly dismounted) heroes. Legolas
survived again and again, and even managed to wound an Eagle twice with a
single volley in combat. And Aragorn was able to keep burning Might to Strike
up against Gwaihir to secure leader wounds through repeated attrition. But
Matthew didn’t have the numbers left to finish the job against my D8 birds, and
eventually one hero after the next fell. The Rohirrim were quartered, and the
Eagles were left solidly in control of the field.
This was a really great game, with lots of swings back and forth and interesting tactical conundrums. We were both setting up plays and shutting down the other’s the whole game long, and I think my matchup advantage went a long way to giving me the edge here. Ride Out is a legitimately strong list, just… probably not into Eagles.
the end of Day 1, I was sitting pretty on three wins, with two crushing wins
and one major win. That felt like a great place to be, especially because there
were no Smaugs undefeated at this point in the tournament. Phew! It looked like
I’d be able to avoid any more of my hardest counters, but there were still
plenty of scary lists undefeated. Alongside conventional builds that I felt I
could handle, both Depths of Moria and Battle of Fornost loomed as scary
threats that would require all of my Eagle shenanigans to take on.
that’s for next time. For this moment in our narrative we were sitting on a
field of victory, enjoying some well-earned comforts. Specifically, enjoying
the fact that the tournament was being held in Canberra, so we could pop back
home for a lovely homecooked meal before heading out to the social night. Pat
Mitrega was staying at mine for the tournament, and conveniently his Smaug
games had also been short enough for him to leave early; 2 hours 45 is a long
time when you only have one model, it turns out!
any case, after a delightful evening socialising, we were off to bed, ready for
another big day of gaming tomorrow. We’ll pause our story here for the moment,
but check in again in a couple of days to see how my currently-undefeated run
goes. Is this the local-boy-made-good story Canberra needs, or will a
Melbournian end my run? Find out next time!
until then, may your bad matchups always come in the best scenarios for them!
I am currently building my eagles! Loved the write up, and am VERY excited to get them on the table. It's just annoying me that I am so anal about the bases and don't want to use ANY flying stands haha.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this, good work and excited for your eagle write up!
Glad you enjoyed, there'll be plenty of Eagle content coming up in the next few weeks for you!
DeleteThe bases are honestly so annoying: you may or may not have realised so far, but the new bases sold by GW are 64mm rather than the 60mm of the old bases and the book. I only realised this too late to change anything, so I was stuck with some birds on 64mm and some on 60mm, with some spare 60mm bases for whenever a model's positioning needed to be precise. What a headache!
Wait wait what, I didn't even think to check that, but are you saying the bases that the eagles come with aren't actually the right size?
DeleteWell the Gwahir, and the eagle bases are the same size, but you are right they aren't 60mm...!
DeleteIndeed! The fact that they changed the base size of the models they sell but never mentioned it anywhere, and also kept the base size the same in the book, is comically harder than necessary
DeleteIs part two on the way?